1.13 KB

Calculator UI

Calculator UI is a Factorio mod which adds a calculator to the Factorio game with the goal to have a little bit of usability behind it.

Based on

The 4-Function Calculator found in the Max Rate Calculator mod by Theanderblast.


  • List of recent calculations
  • Use of parentheses in the equation
  • rounding of numbers (number of decimal places can be set in the settings)
  • copy a recent calculation into the current calculation (by shift+left-click on the equation you want to copy)
  • a nifty little easter egg ;-)
  • use of some advanced function and constants of the Lua math-lib (without math.) -> e.g. "pi" instead of "math.pi".


Well ... ehm ... search for the mod ingame and install it :-)


Press the 3 little dots on the shortcuts UI of Factorio to select the "Calculator". Afterwards you can click on the calculator symbol to open it.


see separate changelog
